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Situated Value and the New Cinephilia: The Case of ‘Wanda’

Girish Shambu’s manifesto ‘For a New Cinephilia’ is a call to replace an older ‘love of cinema’, which universalises its own very specific and contingent history, with a new cinephilia sensitive to political inequalities. In this insight, I use Shambu’s framework to discuss the reception history of Barbara Loden’s film Wanda (1970), which was recently…

Pipepoetics and the Infrastructures of Circulation

Energy Humanities have firmly established “petropoetics” as a pivotal term of modern literary studies for mapping the global flows of fossil fuels through eco-critical readings of world literature. However, the infrastructures of these circulations have largely been overlooked. Among the various means of transportation that poetics leverages, the pipeline takes precedence in its double capacity…


Disidentifying with the Present: The Multiple Values of the Prefix “Post-”

‘The posts seem to want to proliferate’, wrote Linda Hutcheon in 1994. It’s the year 2024, and the posts are everywhere. This insight unpacks the contradictory and competing values that invariably attach themselves to the prefix “post-” by building upon the writings of Ann McClintock, Naika Foroutan, Jean-François Lyotard, and Rita Felski, among others. It…

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